Info The end of the match.
Winning penalty shot Winnig penalty shot becomes a penalty shot by Daniel Matúš (16) from 1. SC TEMPISH Vítkovice
Penalty shot after game Penalty shot by Jan Puchmertl (10) from ACEMA Sparta Prahaunfortunately, this attempt was unsuccessful
Penalty shot after game Penalty shot by David Novák (7) from 1. SC TEMPISH Vítkoviceunfortunately, this attempt was unsuccessful
Penalty shot after game Penalty shot by Patrik Špott (11) from ACEMA Sparta Prahaunfortunately, this attempt was unsuccessful
Penalty shot after game Penalty shot by Matyáš Sikora (14) from 1. SC TEMPISH Vítkoviceunfortunately, this attempt was unsuccessful
Penalty shot after game Penalty shot by Vojtěch Hocke (14) from ACEMA Sparta Prahaand scored a goal
Penalty shot after game Penalty shot by Daniel Matúš (16) from 1. SC TEMPISH Vítkoviceand scored a goal
Penalty shot after game Penalty shot by Patrik Špott (11) from ACEMA Sparta Prahaand scored a goal
Penalty shot after game Penalty shot by David Novák (7) from 1. SC TEMPISH Vítkoviceand scored a goal
Penalty shot after game Penalty shot by Jan Puchmertl (10) from ACEMA Sparta Prahaunfortunately, this attempt was unsuccessful
Info Penalty shootouts has begun.
Penalty shot in game Penalty shot by Jakub Chvěja (15) from 1. SC TEMPISH Vítkoviceunfortunately, this attempt was unsuccessful
Info Started the 2nd half of the match.
Info Started the 1st half of the match.